Tuesday 28 April 2009

Saturday 18 April 2009


For C S Lewis there were only two choices. Pantheism, god in everything, or Christianity, God of everything. For him the cosmos was 'drenched with meaning', leading him to worship the creator of it all, a personal God made known in Christ. As he said, he was 'surprised by joy'.

The alternative, an empty universe.

There are few true atheists.


C S Lewis was nutured in a home where, it is said, he was given freedom and safety. There can be no better environment for developing a young mind and heart.

For the wings of freedom to speed us forth on many quests, we need the safety of a nest - a 'haven in a heartless world'.

Wednesday 15 April 2009


Christ was crucified between two thieves, mirror images of ourselves. One came to fear God, the other reviled Him.

He still divides mankind into two.
Which one are we?


Man confirms yet again that he was made to labour for a reward, so deriving great satisfaction from visible, tangible results. Four parts of the brain are linked in a circuit and each is indispensable if we are to live happy, fulfilled lives. It seems there must be an effort-driven reward if we are to be resilient and survive the vicissitudes of life. It is not only having a goal, but physical effort must form part of its attainment.

Complex thinking and physical effort have given way to pushing buttons. Problem solving and planning, now done by the few, have given way to pathways and processes for the many, essential in today's complexity.

It would seem, above all, that working with our hands mulitplies joy. Our Maker knew best. He worked to a creative purpose and we are made in His image.

What are we? Pawn or ploughman?

Thursday 9 April 2009


It was the heart broken by the pain of desertion, which gives new life.


'What is the life of man now other than covetousness, concern over food, search for wealth. The whole life of the children of this world at this time is nothing other than self love, self honour and the desire for self gain.

Where is one to find true Christians?
They are a small number.’

The Credit Crunch ? – no, life in the 1600’s.